Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Department of Homeland Security

Sis alerted me to this MSNBC headline this morning: Man hides monkey in hat, smuggles it into N.Y. You know that if he'd flown directly to New York first, instead of via Ft. Lauderdale, he'd have gotten away with it; stroll through La Guardia with a marmoset in your chapeau, no New Yorker is going to notice. They're too busy pulling me out of the security line because I failed to empty my pockets and remove my shoes in the correct order. I'm sorry, they have to swab my entire laptop down with a bomb-detecting Q-tip--no one has time to spot A MONKEY IN A DUDE'S HAT.

I also appreciate the fact that, once detected, the spirited but well-behaved Peruvian marmoset stayed in the man's seat for the rest of the flight. Obviously some good parenting going on there, which is often in short supply in the jetosphere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

>good parenting going on there, which is often in short supply in the jetosphere.

Ah, we wait eagerly for the stories you'll have of transporting a 2-year-old across the continent on the red-eye with a stop in O'Hare. :-)