One particular, momentarily compelling worry, anyway: Mr. Toilet Builds Commode-Shaped House.
I was really, really interested in hearing about the zoning arrangements in Mr. Toilet's community; I hadn't realized he was in South Korea, where all bets are off--at least as pertains to my understanding of construction ordinances and what have you. There remains a whole, whole lot of other information to be learned from the article, though, such as the fact that there is a World Toilet Association, at all. Mr. Toilet's stated goal is to promote better sanitation and hygeine throughout the developing world, and I can't fault him on that. I'm not quite sure how building a $1.1 million residential crapper really contributes to the cause, however. Ultimately, what I enjoy most in this story are the numerous adjectival pairings of "toilet" with other words and concepts that I had never expected to type: toilet revolution, toilet expo, toilet gallery cafe. Yes, especially that last one. I thought the SNL "Love Toilet" fauxmercial was just a joke...but I bet this guy either has one or knows where to get it.
The name of the house translates to "place to solve one's worries." Why am I picturing Rodin's "The Thinker" all of a sudden?
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